College students aren’t known for always making the wisest of choices. And sometimes, these unwise choices can lead to devastating consequences that will follow them around for the rest of their lives. If these bad choices lead to an arrest for a misdemeanor or – worse – a felony, you will need to contact John E. MacDonald, Inc., the premier college misconduct attorney who will be able to handle the matter quickly and fairly.
As a long-time college misconduct attorney who has helped countless students get their cases handled to a favorable outcome, John E. MacDonald, Inc., prides himself on being an advocate of students’ rights. And while past results certainly do not guarantee future success, John E. MacDonald, Inc., is pleased to be the college misconduct attorney you can trust to work your case until a favorable outcome is reached.
Why is a college misconduct attorney like John E. MacDonald, Inc., necessary? Why not just hire a regular defense attorney?
There are many reasons why it’s advisable to hire an attorney like John E. MacDonald, Inc., who is a specialized college misconduct attorney, as opposed to a regular defense attorney.
A college misconduct attorney usually has a relationship with the university
A regular defense attorney will usually have a relationship with the various sundry members of the courtroom system – whether it be the judge, the prosecuting attorney, various clerks, or all the above, a regular defense attorney knows a lot of people within the system, making it easier to strike a plea bargain within the courts. This can work out well on your behalf, as the client. However, while a college misconduct attorney like John E. MacDonald, Inc., also has relationships within the courts, he also has relationships within the schools. Whether you’re attending a military academy, a college, a private university, or a community college, chances are John E. MacDonald, Inc., knows someone he can talk to on your behalf to discuss the specifics of your situation.
A college misconduct attorney can help protect you against suspension, expulsion, and loss of scholarships
Further along the lines of “having a relationship within the schools,” a college misconduct attorney like John E. MacDonald, Inc., will be able to work with whomever he needs to so that you may keep your scholarships (which are usually the first to go after you’ve been arrested, especially if you’ve been arrested for a felony), and help protect you against school suspension and/or expulsion until such time that your case has been resolved. Without that relationship, there is no telling when you will be able to rejoin your school mates during your studies, or when – if ever – you will be able to finish your degree. There is no underestimating the value that a college misconduct attorney like John E. MacDonald, Inc., can provide to you, in this regard.
A college misconduct attorney can help prevent you from getting a permanent mark on your record
Depending, ultimately, on what you’re charged with, the allegations can follow you around for the rest of your life. Whether you’re charged with a felony or a misdemeanor, the importance of not having a permanent mark on your record cannot be overstated. A mark against you, in the form of a felony or a misdemeanor, can lead to a variety of legal consequences, such as: A loss of your basic civil rights – if you’ve been convicted of a felony, you will not be allowed to vote, to own a gun legally, or to serve on a jury. You will also find it extremely difficult to get some of your other civil requests granted.
- A loss of your basic civil rights – if you’ve been convicted of a felony, you will not be allowed to vote, to own a gun legally, or to serve on a jury. You will also find it extremely difficult to get some of your other civil requests granted.
- A denial of certain jobs – if you’ve been convicted of a felony, you will find it very hard to get certain jobs, especially those where you’re around large sums of money or in the presence of drugs (even legal ones). If you’ve been convicted of a misdemeanor, and you’re trying to become a lawyer or a doctor, you will find it extremely difficult to pass the ethics background check that goes into both of those prestigious professions.
- Denial of certain homes – getting a mortgage is much more difficult for convicted felons than it is for non-convicts, and renting a home with a felony on your record will prove to be even more difficult.
These types of consequences are completely avoidable, which is why it’s imperative to contact John E. MacDonald, Inc., the premier college misconduct attorney, the minute you’ve been arrested for a crime, no matter how minor – or severe – the crime is. For more than a decade, John E. MacDonald, Inc., has been at the service of the students in the greater Rhode Island area, bring peace of mind to both them and their parents. For more information on how Rhode Island Student Misconduct Attorney John E. MacDonald, Inc., can help you call 401.421.1440 for a free consultation, and find out for yourself why he’s the college misconduct attorney you can trust!