
Sentencing in Criminal Cases in Rhode Island

Sentencing in Criminal Cases in Rhode Island

When you’re facing a criminal charge in Rhode Island, understanding the sentencing process is crucial. Otherwise, you have no idea what your options are in terms of protecting your rights and your future. As a skilled, knowledgeable criminal defense attorney…

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Detained Vs Arrested in Rhode Island

Detained Vs Arrested in Rhode Island

As an RI criminal defense attorney with 25+ years of experience, one of the questions John E. MacDonald hears most often is, “What’s the difference between being detained vs arrested in Rhode Island?” There are several key differences between these…

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Rhode Island Criminal Records

Rhode Island Criminal Records

When you’re charged with a crime, a lot of worries and fears go through your mind. This can even be a traumatic experience—one study found 60% of people experienced PTSD symptoms after being arrested. Amidst all of this, most people…

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Understanding Rhode Island Sex Crimes Laws

Understanding Rhode Island Sex Crimes Laws

While being charged with a crime is always a terrifying experience, sex crimes in particular carry quite a heavy stigma. Being accused of these offenses can wreak havoc in your life, from your relationships to your career and housing opportunities….

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DUI Case Process in Rhode Island

DUI Case Process in Rhode Island

When you’re arrested for DUI, your life seems to change in the blink of an eye. Suddenly, everything from your driver’s license to your personal relationships is at stake—all because you made a simple decision to get behind the wheel….

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Plea Deals in Rhode Island

Plea Deals in Rhode Island

Did you know that in any specific year, 98% of federal criminal cases are resolved with a plea bargain 1? This is due in large part to overcrowding in jails and prisons, plus the need for courts to save time…

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Indictment in Rhode Island

Indictment in Rhode Island

We’ve all heard the word “indictment” mentioned before, whether it’s news about a high-profile case or part of a TV drama. But once the word is used in regard to you or a loved one, it takes on a whole…

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